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hi! i wasn't super sure what to do throughout some of the game... but i was able to get to the end!! also that jumpscare was awesome lol. thanks nekss :))


Good game


the controls were interesting and it too was very good cannot wait to see what you have instore for the future.


Love it! So much tension, good horror! (1 game)


Just another nightshift but something seems off. 5 out of 5


great game !

Hello Nekss, are you interested in an Italian or Japanese translation of this game?

I am looking for projects to localize for free in order to get experience in the field :)

Wish you a nice day!

Discord: tonseisha

Really good creepy environment it was fun, Thank you (2nd Game)

I really liked how short the game was and I found the controls a bit strange, but that doesn't mean the game isn't good. I'm attaching my gameplay in case you want to take a look and help me out :D

(1 edit) (+2)

Cool game! I kinda liked the unusual controls of it, given you can't turn as fast as you would with a mouse made it a bit more scarier! Would've loved if it was longer though, it got potential! 🥰

I didn't expect bro to come out of the shadows like that. This was pretty fun and chill. The jump scare kinda got me but i enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. 

Good horror game. 


bro u ruined it so bad by putting it on rar.. i cant even open this kinda of fucking files i hate it .


then how would i upload it


bro you don't get it, it is common to put games in winrar and if you can't open it FIGURE OUT HOW TO OPEN IT THEN IT AINT NOBODY'S PROBLEM!


W game


Nice game.


Short but fun! I really liked it :3 made a video about it too!


Hey, I tried to play this recently but it seems like there is no sound in the game? Although I see gameplays in the comments with sound I'm not sure if they're playing an older version given you've updated the game recently. Check the version you've just uploaded and let me know if it's actually a problem on my side, thank you!


it works for me idk, maybe reinstall it


My fault, my headphone's sound output was higher than 44.1Hz/48Hz. All fixed now, I will make a video soon! 🥰


I like this


This was really cool ! I Tried a seconded time to see if i could get away and i found that he wont come after you unless you actually look down the back behind the store. Either way keep up the good work!


Short but not bad at all for being made for a gamejam! I did encounter a bug with the ending of the game, included it in the video. Made a video on it.


damn, imma fix it rn


Simple, but extremely effective at making me question whats behind every corner. Great work!


Amazing game I played it on stream and you won't believe the chat reactions, it is the last game I played




jesus fucking christ, man

soooo the jumpscare works ig xDD


This game really made my heart jump! simple objective but nice horror atmosphere! i wish i can play longer! keep up your great work!


psychoza przez te tekstury co szly w gore i w dol  i jak sie podchodzilo do szafek to tekstury sie rozciagaly no moze ze taki zamysł był, moim zdaniem nie wiadomo co robic w poszczegolnych momentach ale tak to jest git